The Monster’s Lullaby


When young Skat has trouble falling asleep, his mother rushes in to sing him the monster’s lullaby. This is the first 0-4 children’s book from Paper Street Comics and will continue as part of the “My Little Monsters” series.

The series came about after my wife gave birth to our first child. I wanted to have a book that I could read to my own daughter and THE MONSTER’S LULLABY was created. I have been very fortunate to have met some really great people during these past ten years and one of them, Tony Santiago, has been lined up for a project for quite some time. He loved the concept and together we made a very sweet book. My goal is publish at least one book per child and I am a proud father of two (since this past October 2012) so be on the lookout for a new addition to the “Monsters” series sometime in 2016.

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