
It has been said many times that Hollywood is looking to comic books with a closer eye. In the past it was rare to see a comic book hit the silver screen, but now the major films are related to some of the comic universe’s greatest characters.

This is great news for the independent scene in comics, as it has opened the door for many self-publishing (or creator-owned) properties to get made as well. A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, A ROAD TO PERDITION, and WANTED are all examples of how the smaller press titles can find a home on the West Coast.

The model for Paper Street Comics is based off of getting its properties optioned off to be made into feature film and television series. This option money would allow us to continue to create more titles, more properties, hopefully building partnerships with producers and studio teams that would one day open the door for us to make (write and direct) our own features.

PENCILNECK has seen some play from several studios, but was unfortunately tied up with several different screenwriters attempting to produce a finished script. This frustration lead to Gentry and Victor sitting down and crafting an updated screenplay on the popular graphic novel. We are currently in the process of meeting with several producers, through our representation with Benderspink Productions (Jake Weiner,) to see which creative partner is the right one for us.

Our goal is to have the property locked in with the right producer team so that we can move forward with a strong package for a studio to see the potential in developing. The latest comic/property from Paper Street Comics, ALPHA, has a finished screenplay and we will also be converting our graphic novel, CAREFUL…, into a finished script as well.

The beauty of our catalog of properties is that all of them were specifically designed to translate into other media. If you have any interest in any of our properties, please use the “contact us” link and drop us a line.


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